German Shepherd Dog Movement & CharacterÂ
The German Shepherd Dog’s movement is akin to the smooth, deliberate flow of a well-oiled machine, each part working in perfect harmony.
The thrust generated by powerful hindquarters, transferred efficiently over a straight strong back, to the forequarters with a well laid shoulder and a complimentarily proportionate upper arm, a neck and head that act together as a counter balance while in motion, as the forelegs extend forward ideally in proportion to the hind thrust generated from the rear, creating a balanced and efficient stride.
This fluid locomotion, rooted in their herding heritage in the fields of Germany, is designed for stamina, with relative effortlessness, this gait allows them to conserve energy, enabling them to work tirelessly for hours, guiding flocks of sheep through the rugged countryside.
What makes the German Shepherd Dog unique, however, is the instinctual nature with which they move and perform at the behest of the Shepherd. They don’t just work for treats or extrinsic rewards since that is not sustainable over an entire work day; instead, their motivation is a deep desire to please their handler. This intrinsic drive is a vital part of their character, as they work with focus, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to their allotted task, responding to their human partner’s commands with an innate understanding which is a part of their genetic makeup – their purpose to serve as a part of a team.