We live our lives with our dogs. Our German Shepherds are very much a part of our family and daily routine. The dogs share our home and our land with us. We train, breed and show them to the highest level possible on the international stage: to embody the concept of the ‘complete‘ German Shepherd. Our dogs descend from West German Lines also known as the high breeding lines in Germany and all our adult breeding dogs are titled in Schutzhund/IPO, have their breed surveys and are cleared for their hips and elbows to be free of dysplasia from the SV in Germany.
All the parents of our puppies are hip and elbow certified, Schutzhund/ IPO/ IGP titled (to ensure they have biddable character and excellent temperament) and breed surveyed to ensure the puppies come from highest quality dogs with stable minds which can be a part of any family with utmost ease.
We have competed very successfully in the United States and globally. Our dogs have excelled at all levels of competition. Our German Shepherds have not only won numerous awards for their excellent structure but are also noted internationally in competitions (Germany, Austria, Canada, India, and South-East Asia) for their outstanding temperament and performances.