Kayos von Nummer-Eins


Kayos von Nummer-Eins

The mark of any great dog is known by his children as they come into the fold to show his influence on the future generations of the breed. 

Kayos, it can be safely asserted, is one such male, who has produced outstanding puppies in each of his litters. 

We are very proud to showcase his excellent children from different mothers, securing that striking type and fabulous temperament: where they make not only outstanding family companions first and foremost, but also some of the most striking looking German Shepherds in the world, with working abilities and intelligence that sets them apart from the rest.

German Shepherd male, German Shepherd Breeders in Virginia
German Shepherd Male Red and Black West German Lines standing in green grass with handler

Himmat von Nummer-Eins (SG1, WB)

Himmat is an excellent son of Kayos, of ideal medium size, robust build and a masculine head with correct proportions. He is a dog who loves to engage with people and other dogs and has a very outgoing demeanor. We are very excited about what the future holds for Hemi.

German Shepherd Dog Stud
german shepherd female, gaga nummer eins

Gaga von Nummer-Eins (SG1)

Gaga is a spectacular daughter of Kayos, who has lots of drive and a really open playful nature. Gaga is an over medium sized female, with deep rich colors and a beautiful structure. 

German Shepherd Female head profile
german shepherd female, noori nummer eins

Noori von Nummer-Eins (SG2)

Noori is a special female from Kayos and Pistol and has pronounced drives and engagement. She comes from a line of superb mothers in V1 Pistol von Nummer-Eins and VA Vesta von Nummer-Eins who have shown themselves on the highest stage with great success, proving the mettle of the family. 

German Shepherd female
german shepherd female, chanel nummer eins

Chanel von Nummer-Eins (SG3)

Chanel comes from Kayos and VA Roma von Nummer-Eins, and is a female who is very correct in anatomy and has that typical Kayos stamp in temperament, and pigmentation. She is a dry and firm female of medium size and has a forehand that is spectacular with a balanced rear. We look forward to what the future brings withe Chanel. 

German Shepherd Dog standing

Vader von Nummer-Eins (BH, SPR1)

Vader comes from our Breeding into the working lines, from the B litter, with his dam being Tabasco, he has a completely open  pedigree on one side of the of the family than all the available bloodlines, hence adding to the diversity of the blood. Vader is not only an excellent working dog, who is driven and intelligent but also a great representation of the breed, as he enjoys people, children, hikes and cafe trips throughout the DC Virginia area.

German Shepherd head
german shepherd female, black and red german shepherd female

Bijli von Nummer-Eins 

Bijli also comes from our Breeding into the working lines, from the B litter, from Tabasco, She has pronounced drives and working ability, and she loves to engage. She is very athletic in her build and carries the typical black mask and deep colors that Kayos produces in his children. She offers great value as a breeding partner in the future with our excellent males. 

German Shepherd female down

Kayos Progeny Group Critique By SV Judge Mr. Rainer Mast:


“This is an excellent male now and from him here are one male, three females in the group. There are two winners of their classes, one second place and one third place. These dogs have the same type as their father. A really good group with a very good type, all dogs have good proportions, are good angulated in front and the back; I like the type of these dogs they are full of temperament, All dogs have good color, dark eyes, good masks, and they all show good fluid movements. Thank you very much for the presentation of this group, and I must thank the breeder to bring these nice dogs.“

Line Breeding – 5 Generations.


5 – 4… in VA1 Yasko vom Farbenspiel

5 – 5… in Xandor vom Tronje